Friday, June 6, 2008

the final last thing

While doing the current events project, I have learned many things. Many different regions of the world have similar problems to the United States. Other countries have gas problems also. I believe that I could have learned more. Current events are always happening every week and there is always more to learn about the events in another country. If I were to do this differently again, I would use different sourced to find my current events. Maybe I would use a news article from a newspaper from the country I am studying. Then I could compare the coverage between the sources and see if one source is biased or missing information that the other source has. Next time that Mr. Scott does this for the kids next year; maybe he could discuss the events that each group has bookmarked in class for the students to gain a perspective on how the events that they bookmarked affect the world. I do not think that I will continue to read the news because the events in other parts of the world do not interest me that much and I think that I will be more concerned with the events that happen in the United States now. Maybe when I get older, the events that happen in the rest of the world will start to interest me and concern me more.
The news that I have tag and bookmarked are seen from the view of international sources. This is the best kind of news because it is less likely that the writer will choose his own thoughts over the facts that are presented to him about the topic.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


1. a. Who ran as a Republican?: the nomination for the republican party was George Bush Sr.
b. Why did he fail to convince voters to support him?: he failed to convince voters to support him because he did not have a plan to get the country out of a recession.

2. a. Who ran as an independent?: the candidate for the independent party was H. Ross Perot.
b. What created an opportunity for this independent candidacy? the opportunity that was created fro this candidacy was an aabnormally high federal budget deficit.

3. a. Who ran as a Democrat?: the candidate for the democrat party was Bill Clinton.
b. What helped him win?: the thing that helped him win was his promise to move the democrat party further in the middle. he also wanted to help in a growht of the economy by encouraging private businesses.

4. What did Clinton achieve in domestic policy?: Clinton acheived a surplus in the governments budget

5. What did Clinton achieve in foreign policy?: furthered cooperation with Russia and china to improve trade and relations.

6. What goals did the contract set for Republican leaders?: the goals were ten items Republicans promised to enact if they won control of Congress. They included congressional term limits, a balanced budget

7. How did Clinton and the Senate undermine the contract?: the clash between the houses caused the government to close down for up to a week.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

chapter 23 section 4-AMERICAN LIVES Daniel Inouye

1. Why would it be bad for Inouye to have a close relationship with people in intelligence?: it would be bad to have a close relationship with people in intelligence because then he might obtain too much information.

2. How would Inouye’s fairness and spirit of cooperation be effective in a legislative body such as the Senate? then he could pass bills and gain the support of other congressmen and senators.

3. Why do you think Inouye was named to head the committee investigating Iran-Contra?: i think that Inouye was named head to the committee because of his leadership in dealing with the Watergate scandal.

chapter 33 section 3: Latino Population in the 1980s

1. What does “Texas, 19.4%” mean on the pie graph?: the 19.4% means that less that twenty percent of all latinos live in Texas.

2. Into how many regions is the U.S. map divided?: the U.S. map is divided into 9 regions;

3.What does “Middle Atlantic 8.5%” mean on the map?: only 8.5% of all latinos in the 1980s lived in the middle atlantic.

4. In the table to the right of the map, what does the number 1,437,720 mean for East North Central?: the number 1,437,720 stands for the amount of latinos in the East north central area.

5. How many states contained less than 2 percent of the U.S. Latino population in 1990?: 12 states contained less that 2 % of the U.S. latino population

6. Which state contained nearly 10 percent of the Latino population?: the southwest and west states contain nearly 10% of latino population.

7. In which region was the percentage of Latinos the smallest?: the east south central has the smallest precentage of Latinos.

8. Which two states together accounted for more than half of the nation’s Latino population?: the two states that account for more that half of the nation's lationo population are texas and california.

9. How did the Mountain region rank among all regions in terms of its percentage
of Latinos? How did it rank in terms of its total Latino population? Explain why
the two rankings are not the same
.: the mountain regions ranked 3rd in terms of its percentage. it ranked 5th in terms of total latino population. these two rankings are not the same because fewer people live in the mountain region than other regions.

10.Use your knowledge of geography and economics to suggest reasons for the
Latino populations in the Southwest, in Florida, and in certain states of the middle Atlantic region and east north central regions
.: i suggest that the reason that there is a large population of latinos in the southwest, florida, and in other states in the atlantic and north central regions are because of the ease to find work and also a habit to not move far from the border due to the climate similarities.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

chapter 32 section 4

1. How did Gibbs’s neighbors respond to her when she went door-to-door with a petition?: her neighbors responded by either addind to the diseases and illnesses that lois had head of, or signing her petition.

2. What different health problems did Gibbs’s neighbors experience?Gibbs's neighbors faced internal heath problems such as heart attacks, and kidney failures. also, many kids faced problems that don't normally happen to children.

the Nixon administration Chapter 32 section 1

As you read about the Nixon administration, take notes to describe President Nixon’s policies toward the problems facing him.

  1. Size and power of the federal government: Nixon created the policy of New federalism which is the spread of more power from the federal government to the state governments.
  2. Inefficiency of the welfare system: Nixon developed the family assistance plan. this plan sent money from the federal government to families not working or making under a certain income per year.
  3. Vietnam War and domestic disorder: Nixon de-escalated the war in Vietnam .
  4. Nixon’s reelection: Nixon promised to integrated schools and stop the war in Vietnam.
  5. Liberalism of Supreme Court justices: Nixon placed three more court justices on the supreme court that supported his ideas.
  6. Stagflation and recession: Nixon attempts to cut the government budget and raise taxes
  7. U.S.–China relations: nixon visited China to relax the tension between the U.S. and them
  8. U.S.–Soviet relations: Nixon visited Soviet relation to increase trust between them and the U.S., and to decrease the trust between china and the soviet union.

Monday, May 12, 2008

chapter 25 section 1 guided reading (F)

1. Why did Hobby have to defend the WAC as a place for “serious women”?: Hobby had to defend the WAC as a place for serious women because many reporters and critics believed that women would not handle being in the Military and dealing with the handle of tools of war.

2. How does the attitude toward the Women’s Army Corps contrast with the view of women in the army today?: the attitude of women in the Women's Army Corps contrasts with views of women in the army today because today women have proved themselves that they can be in the military, along with the women's rights movement in the 1960's-1990's.

3. How does the article support the assertion that Oveta Culp Hobby was a skilled administrator?: this article supports the assertion that Oveta Culp Hobby was a skilled administrator because it mentions that she attended Texas Law School. it also mentions that she established a strong foundation to the organization and kept it going in spite of criticism. she was also involved in the Manhattan Project.

first project redone

history project