Friday, June 6, 2008

the final last thing

While doing the current events project, I have learned many things. Many different regions of the world have similar problems to the United States. Other countries have gas problems also. I believe that I could have learned more. Current events are always happening every week and there is always more to learn about the events in another country. If I were to do this differently again, I would use different sourced to find my current events. Maybe I would use a news article from a newspaper from the country I am studying. Then I could compare the coverage between the sources and see if one source is biased or missing information that the other source has. Next time that Mr. Scott does this for the kids next year; maybe he could discuss the events that each group has bookmarked in class for the students to gain a perspective on how the events that they bookmarked affect the world. I do not think that I will continue to read the news because the events in other parts of the world do not interest me that much and I think that I will be more concerned with the events that happen in the United States now. Maybe when I get older, the events that happen in the rest of the world will start to interest me and concern me more.
The news that I have tag and bookmarked are seen from the view of international sources. This is the best kind of news because it is less likely that the writer will choose his own thoughts over the facts that are presented to him about the topic.

1 comment:

Joel said...

Hey, I had a great time reading your website. Would you please consider adding a link to my website on your page. Please email me back.



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