Friday, December 21, 2007

SE asia

many things have begun to happen in the South Asia. in Asia, a charter was issued on financial, and environmental rules. however, Singapore has tried to block the charter. in other news , in Dubai, there has been a strike. these workers have walked off a work site where they were constructing a long anticipated project of man made islands for a sale. another problem is with the Afghanistan government. the government still has resistance to the Taliban and a final operation is in event to extinguish this group. in pakistan and Iran, delegates and representatives are debating over an oil contract.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

on account of the new plan for teaching.

the theme that I am chhosing is the second theme: the impact and growth of centralized state power. the MCAS standards that i have chosen to suppurt are standards.
  • USII.17 (Explain important domestic events that took place during the war.)
  • USII.18 (Analyze the factors that contributed to the Cold War and describe the policy of containment as America’s response to Soviet expansionist policies)
  • USII.26 (Describe the accomplishments of the civil rights movement)
  • USII.29 (Analyze the presidency of Ronald Reagan)

Sunday, December 9, 2007

How was what to men during the Great Depression different from what happened to women and children?
Each groups role in their families
The change each group had to make
What help was available to them

Life was difficult during the depression. It was however different toward each family group. The role in the family was different for men than it was for women. And children. Children had no responsibilities, women did not have to work, but men had the hard responsibility of providing money, food and shelter for the entire family. Many men just wandered the street looking for a new job.
Each group also had to change to the mood of the depression. Men had to go out and find other jobs to get. Women had to save money and conserve food. Some even went out and got jobs to support their family. Children did not have much change to adapt to.
However, each group had help available to them. The government always had new building projects with which men could obtain a good steady job with good pay. Women also got more jobs.
How did the economic trend of the 1920s help cause the Great Depression?
· What happened in industry
· What happened in agriculture
· What happened with consumes

Due to certain economic trends in the 1920s, the great depression was caused. There were many results that occurred due to the depression. There were problems in the industrial, agricultural, and consumer trends.
Industry was hit hard with the depression. Railroads were losing business due to new forms of transportations. Coalmining and lumbering lost profits due to the lack of supply for the war. The economy also had new forms of energy, so coal was not in a high demand. Many businesses were closed and barely made a profit.
Agriculture was also hit hard. Due to no war, the demand of crops dropped drastically. Farmers bought more land and went further into debt when they had to pay the bills. When the depression had hit, many farmers had their farms repossessed and sold. Due to the unplanted farmland, the dirt was wisped up into a dustbowl.
Another sufferer was the consumer. Due to the rising price of goods, they could not buy as much as they did before. Many people still had to pay off debt, but could not because of the lack of jobs. Many people lost they homes to the debt.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Judging from the events of the late 1920s and early 1930s, how important do you think public confidence is to the health of the economy? Think about:
What happened when overconfidence in the stock market led people to speculate and buy on margin.
How confidence affects consumer borrowing.

In the late 1920s and early 1920s, the stock market and United States economy crashed. America lost 33 billion dollars. At this point the confidence in the U.S. economy had dropped. The confidence of the public should not have been that high in the economy. The over confidence had led the consumer to buy on a margin, or credit. The confidence in the stock market led people to buy more stock.
The confidence in the stock market also influenced how much money was borrowed. Since they thought that the economy would not crash, they were not concerned about having to pay back their debt.

first project redone

history project