Sunday, December 9, 2007

How did the economic trend of the 1920s help cause the Great Depression?
· What happened in industry
· What happened in agriculture
· What happened with consumes

Due to certain economic trends in the 1920s, the great depression was caused. There were many results that occurred due to the depression. There were problems in the industrial, agricultural, and consumer trends.
Industry was hit hard with the depression. Railroads were losing business due to new forms of transportations. Coalmining and lumbering lost profits due to the lack of supply for the war. The economy also had new forms of energy, so coal was not in a high demand. Many businesses were closed and barely made a profit.
Agriculture was also hit hard. Due to no war, the demand of crops dropped drastically. Farmers bought more land and went further into debt when they had to pay the bills. When the depression had hit, many farmers had their farms repossessed and sold. Due to the unplanted farmland, the dirt was wisped up into a dustbowl.
Another sufferer was the consumer. Due to the rising price of goods, they could not buy as much as they did before. Many people still had to pay off debt, but could not because of the lack of jobs. Many people lost they homes to the debt.

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