Tuesday, September 18, 2007

chapter 14 section 1 critical thinking

Chapter 14 section 1: critical thinking #5

Which invention or development described in this had the greatest impact on society?
· The applications of the inventions.
· The impact of inventions on people’s daily lives.
· The effect of inventions on the workplace

The inventions and developments of this time had a great impact on how society worked. The one invention that most greatly impacted society of this time was the invention of the incandescent light bulb. Thomas Alvin Edison created this invention. The Incandescent light bulb allowed people to work longer and more efficient. People used the lightbulb in all sorts of work areas. The bulb was used in places like office buildings, railroads, and mining caves. The lightbulb also led onto a way to properly output electricity to the entire country.
The invention of the Lightbulb impacted peoples daily lives as well. The lightbulb allowed people to have a later curfew. Streetlights were manufactured to hold incandescent lightbulbs. The lighting in the street made it easier for nightlife in the city. Work offices could be open later and could perform more work.
The lightbulb allowed work to done more efficiently. Mining was done before by either candles, or kerosene lamps, the lightbulb was used to create more light to see the coal and to see what was being done.

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