Saturday, September 22, 2007

Chapter 15 section 1: critical thinking 4

What were the effects of the massive influx of immigrants to the U.S. in the late 1800’s?

In the late 1800’s, the United States experienced a massive inflow of foreigners. These people came from all over the world to this country. These people mostly came from Germany, Ireland, Scandinavia, England, China, Mexico, and Eastern Europe.
With this great amount of immigrants coming to this country, there were some effects that this caused. One of the first effects was an increase in workers. With the more workers there are, then the more work is done. For example, with the increase in Chinese workers the railroads were completed on time and in good condition. Another example of this is with the Irish. The Irish were hired by construction companies to build buildings and skyscrapers in cities like Boston and New York City.
Another effect of an increased flow of immigrant into the U.S. in the late 1800’s was discrimination. Some of the greatest examples of discriminations were against the Chinese, Irish, and Germans. In places like Boston and New York City, there were shops and companies that would not hire the Irish due to a stereotype of being lazy and drunks. The Chinese were discriminated against to a point where an act was passed that would not allow Chinese to immigrate to the US. The discrimination of Germans did not come until World War One when the United States fought Germany. Then, German immigrants were usually attacked, beaten, and even killed.

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