Sunday, September 23, 2007

chapter 15 section 2: Critical thinking 4

Chapter 15 section 2: critical thinking 4

Which solutions (or attempted solutions) to an urban problem discussed in this section do you think had the most impact? Why?

In the late 1800’s, the mass inflow of immigrants led to a problem with cultural differences. Also, there were mass amounts of overcrowding in the cities. This was because the easiest place for immigrants to find work was urban factories that employed unskilled workers.
There were many attempts to solve urban problems. Some of these attempts had a great impact on how the cities worked. The first example of this is the new setup of housing in the city. Builders would build as many single family houses as they could on a block. This increased the immigrant population. Also, it improved the sanitary level by decreasing the number of people per house.(pg. 470) Another attempt to improve the urban problem was to hold classed to assimilate new foreigners into the American image. The problem with this was that many new foreigners did not was to become the typical American person. They wanted to keep their own cultural identity. (pg. 469)

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