Monday, May 5, 2008

chapter 29 section 1 guided reading: Taking on Segregation

1. What did the Civil Rights Act of 1875 do? : the civil rights act of 1975 declared that all public facilities were to be equal and to be to be accommodated to every person.

2. How did the Court rule in Plessy?: in court case Plessy vs Ferguson, the court ruled that all things would be "separate but equal" for both blacks and whites.

3. In what three ways did World War II help set the stage for the
modern civil rights movement?
a. the shortage of white men (who were fighting in the war) created an opportunity for blacks, latinos and women to establish a place in the work area.
b. millions of black men served along side white men in World war II in itegrated regiments and battalions.
c. president Roosevelt issued an executive order that integrated race in the workspace during World War II

4. Who argued Brown’s case? : thurgood Marshall argued for this case and won it.

5. What did the Brown ruling declare? : the brown Case declared that all schools were to be desegregated and integrated with both black and white students.

8. How did President Eisenhower respond to the Little Rock crisis? :Eisenhower responded to the little rock crisis by taking control of the Arkansas national guard and sending in paratroopers to ensure the integration of Little Rock high school.

9. Who was the president of SCLC?: the president of the SCLC was Martin Luther King Jr.

10. What was SCLC’s purpose?: the purpose of the SCLC was carry out non violent protests agaisnt the southerners.

11. What did SNCC accomplish, and how? SNCC was famous for performing sit ins. this was when black men would sit in all white diners. and refuse to move.


Anonymous said...

you da best

Unknown said...

you da plug but where 6 & 7 at

Anonymous said...

Yeah homie where they at do

Unknown said...

6 is Montgomery Improvement Association and 7 is they organized bus boycotts.

first project redone

history project