Monday, May 12, 2008

guided reading Chapter 25 section 1

  1. Why do you think the war ration book requires information on a person's age, sex, weight, height, and occupation?: I think the war rations book required all this information because if they did not, then people would steal the books of others and horde all of the goods that other people needed during this time.
  2. What was the penalty for violating rationing regulations? : the penalty for violating rationing regulations was that a person would be imprisoned for a certain amount of time, given a fine of $10,000, or both.
  3. Most Americans during World War II accepted rationing. Why do you think this was so?: i think that most americans Accepted rationing because they knew that their country was in a time of war and that soldiers and the military neeeded the supplies to continue fighting the war.

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history project