Thursday, November 29, 2007
The role of women in government
Hiring practices in federal programs
Women’s opportunities in business and industry.
During the 1930s, women strived towards equality. One strive was the role of women in government. Frances Perkins was the first female cabinet member. She played a great role in creating social security for the nation. These women in office created a higher minimum wage for female workers. Although 82% of polled people thought that a woman should not work if her husband works.
In the federal program, women were moving into more federal offices. They began to take up more official titles.
The types of relief needed in the 1930s
Alternatives to the government assistance to the elderly, the unemployed and the disabled.
The scope of the act.
During the 1930s, social security might have been considered the most important achievement of the new deal. During the 1930s, many Americans needed financial relief because millions were unemployed. Social security gave aid to seniors, to have a comfortable retirement, and the federal government paid the unemployed, in order to properly function. Another relief that was dealt with was the disabled. The federal and state government gave money to families with disabled children.
The alternative to this was that the government would do nothing and the people would have to deal with the problems on their own.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
South East Aisa
Thursday, November 15, 2007
chapter 21 section 4 critical thinking 5
During the 1920s, millions of black Americans migrated to the north. Out of America’s 12 million black residents, 5.2 million migrated to the northern cities were they could start a new life. Here in the north, organizations such as the NAACP were formed. And priorities were set to change the way of life of the average black American.
One such place were these priorities and ways of life were created was Harlem neighborhood. Harlem was, at that time, the largest urban black community in the world. The life of Harlem changed during a time called the Harlem Renaissance. This was a huge boom in creativity in music, literacy and art. This new style of living improved the living conditions in which these black Americans lived. It also attracted many people looking for entertainment. These helped the black community gain their reputation.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
chapter 2 section 1 critical thinking 5
- changes in urban life in the 1920s
- the effects of Prohibition
- the legacy of the scopes trial
during the 1920s, American life had a dramatic change. there was more people living in urban areas than in rural areas. it was a time when life was more busy and spontaneous. more people were moving away from a more traditional lifestyle to obtain a free active lifestyle in the city. during this time there were two movements that had a goals to sustain the traditional values of America. the two things were the prohibition era, and scopes trial. although striving to keep traditional values, these two events had more negative effects on society.
The Eighteenth amendment claimed it was illegal to manufacture, sell, and transport alcohol. This amendment was added to halt the alcohol consumption, which led to drunkenness, and abuse. the law worked in decreasing the consumption of alcohol, but it backfired on the people who created the law. the positive side of the bill was that it decreased alcohol consumption, but it caused a wave of negative effects. in large cities, gangs appeared and ruled the town. there terror was fueled by the illegal distribution of alcohol.
the other fall to traditional values was the scopes trial. the scopes trial occurred in Tennessee, and it was about the teachings of John T. Scopes. scopes was arrested for teaching the theory of evolution in his biology class. that year the State of Tennessee passed a law that made it illegal to teach evolution. Scopes was found guilty and fined 100 dollars. this seemed like a triumph for traditional values, but it brought around a thought of doubtfulness about creationism.
chapter 20 section 1 critical thinking 3
The goals of the leaders of the Russian revolution
The challenges facing the United States
During the early 1920’s, America went through a period known as the Red Scare. This was a period of time when the American public went through a public scare. When the Bolsheviks overthrew the government in Russia and established a communist government, they claimed to spread communism to the rest of the world. This threat frightened the United States public.
What frightened the United States the most was the threat of communism. After the claim to spread communism, over 70,000 radicals joined the communist party, including some from major unions. Several bombs were mailed to government officials. This frightened the public into believing the communists were everywhere.
Some problems facing the United States during this time were the results that were occurring because of the Red Scare. One problem was the raids against the people. Mitchell palmer was one such person who organized these raids. He was responsible for organizing many of these raids and deporting hundreds of residents from other countries. However these raids turned up no evidence for a communist conspiracy. The scare was basically over responsive to the communist scare.
Monday, November 5, 2007
chapter 19 section 4 critical thinking 5

Think about:
What Germans thought of the war-guilt clause
German reaction to reparations
How Germans felt about the loss of territory
The treaty of Versailles was the treaty to end the First World War. The terms of the treaty were pleasing to every country, but Germany. The Treaty treated Germany the worse, by dividing up Germany itself, and taking away its colonies. With the colonies it was impossible for Germany to pay their reparations. Another thing that angered the Germans was the war-guilt clause, which forced the Germans into accepting that they started the war in Europe. This also angers a lot of Germans because they were not solely responsible for he start of the war. The war was started with a following of treaties signed by all of the other European countries.
Another thing that angered the Germans was their reparation that they had to pay. Due to the war-guilt clause, Germany was responsible for paying war debts to France. The debt that was to be paid was impossible for them, without their colonies to bring in income and export money. Another thing that angered the Germans was the loss of territory. There were now some Germans being ruled by the polish people. The Germans had lost almost half of their land as a result of the war.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
chapter 19 section 4 critical thinking 3
The First World War lasted for four years. At the end, the treaty of Versailles was signed to end the war. Even thought it ended the war, it had many flaws that could not support it.
The treaty, forced the Germans to accept full responsibility for starting the war. It also forced Germany to pay reparations to France of $33 billion. In addition to paying for the cause of the war, the treaty divided up all of Germany’s global colonies and the country of Germany itself into Poland. Many germans were angry with this because they were now germans being ruled by the polish. These terms would not hold for a lasting peace in Europe. The cause of WWI was mainly Germany, but other counties were also the cause, and the reparation was impossible for Germany to pay off without its colonies. Another weakness of the treaty was that Russia was not invited and involved in the treaty signing. The largest weakness of the treaty was that there was no consequence for anyone who broke the treaty.
chapter 19 section 3 critical thinking 5
How propaganda campaign influenced people’s behavior.
The new job opportunities for African Americans and women.
How the government controlled the industry
When the First World War was raging in Europe, the United States suffered from the effects of war. These effects were, however, positive for American society, even though there were riots of violence. Before the war had begun, women and Blacks had little job opportunities. When the men were drafted off to war, women took over the jobs that the men did and they were paid for it too. Also, African Americans were gaining jobs that men had left behind to go fight in the war.
One negative effect was the depiction of American propaganda. During the war, the attack against German-American escalated. Citizens of the United States stopped buying German products. On such product was alcohol. German breweries were attacked and the alcohol business almost collapsed. Another discriminatory crime was that German Americans were attacked and even killed. All German names were hated and towns even changed their name if it was German.
During World War I Congress had given all economic and industrial power to Woodrow Wilson. With his orders the government took over small business companies. These companies built weapons for the war effort. With the increase in sales, the average wage increased by 20%. The annual income for the united states doubled almost every year that Europe was at war.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
chapter 19 section 3 critical thinking 3
How private business worked with the government
How much control the president gained over the economy
The espionage and sedition acts.
During war time the government gains a certain amount of power to control the power of the United States. The government needed supplies for the war and private businesses could not handle the orders by themselves, so the government took over the private businesses to meet due dates.
Also, the war affected the control that the president had over the government. Congress voted to give the president complete control over the economy. With this power he can fix prices and nationalize industries. That is how he came to controlling private industries.
The power of the espionage and sedition acts was another power controlled by the government. Anyone who spoke out against the government and the war was arrested byj the government.
chapter 19 section 2 critical thinking 3
The casualty figures
New military technology
Shell shock
Before the First World War, wars were fought with dignity and respect. When WWI arrived in 1914 the new ways of war were horrific and frightening. A new advance in warfare was the invention of new technological war weapons. Some such weapons were the machine gun, the biplane (which was built to be faster and tougher), the tank, and chemical warfare. More deaths occurred because of these inventions; the biplane was refitted with machine guns to shoot down enemy planes and it was also fitted with a stronger engine and drop doors to deliver bombs on enemy territory. Tanks were built to traverse No-Man’s-Land and attack the enemy soldiers. These vehicles were built with solid steel plating to deflect enemy fire, and were also fitted with a cannon to blow up barricades. The machine gun was a deadly weapon against the trenches. Once in a while, the enemy would charge from the trench to attack the enemy trench. When this happened, the machine gun would mow down the attackers. The worst new technology was the invention of chemical weapons such as deadly gases. There were four main types of gases: nerve agents, blood agents, choking agents, and blister agents. These types of gases were used to attack the trenches. Because these gases were heavier than air, they would loom in the trenches, and infect the soldiers.
Another frightening result of the new war technologies was the mass amount of war casualties. During the battle of Somme, the British army suffered over 60,000 casualties in the first day. When the battle ended, the casualty toll reached 1.2 million. By the end of the war over 22 million people were killed, 20 million were wounded, and 10 million refugees. In the United States, only lost 48,000 men and 62,000 men were wounded.
There were many effects to the fighting in the battlefield. One of these effects was a condition known as Shellshock. This was a mental condition in which a soldier’s mental state completely collapsed. Some men saw these men as cowards and were killed due to not wanting to fight.
chapter 19 section 1 critical thinking 5

Germany's military buildup
The effects of the British blockade
Germany’s reason for using submarine warfare
Before the First World War had begun, the European counties had undergone a serious military buildup. The British built up its naval power to defend the seas. At this time, Britain had the largest and most powerful navy in the world. The Germans did not have a naval force that could match that of the British force. One of the reasons for Germany use of submarine warfare was because it was the only force that Germany had that could counter the British Navy. Any visible attack on British ships would end disastrously for the Germans. The use of u-boats was the only way that Germany could successfully attack the British navy.
Also, during the war, the British had established a naval blockade across the North Sea. This was used to block any goods from entering Germany, as well as food supplies. Due to this blockade, over 750,000 Germans starved during the war. The German military used the U boats to attack the blockade. Another reason that the Germans could have escalated the U Boat attacks is to prevent supplies from reaching the allied armies. In May 7, 1915, a German U boat attacked and sunk the British Liner Lusitania in belief that it was carrying ammunition for the allied forces.
chapter 19 section 1 critical thinking 4
During the beginning of the First World War, the United States had no involvement in the war and had claimed neutrality. However, after several years of the war, the US had decided to involve itself in the war. The US took the side of the allied powers. The US had stronger ties with the allies than the central powers even though people from all over Europe created the United States.
Some reasons for a stronger tie with the allied powers were because of a strong ancestry with Great Britain. Also, the similar language helped establish an alliance with England along with the similar legal system and democratic institutions. There were not only social and historical ties to the allied powers, but economic ties as well. The United States shipped twice as more goods to Great Britain and France as they did to Germany. During the war, the US factories were filled with orders for war weapons to aid Britain and France.
There were also factors that weakened ties with the Central Powers. When the German army moved to attack France through Belgium, there was propaganda that was spread that depicted the Germans as to attacking innocent, burning villages and hospitals, as well as libraries and cathedrals. This caused the ties with Germany to be weakened as well as anti-German crimes to rise in the United States.