Saturday, November 3, 2007

chapter 19 section 3 critical thinking 3

How did the war affect government power? Think about:
How private business worked with the government
How much control the president gained over the economy
The espionage and sedition acts.

During war time the government gains a certain amount of power to control the power of the United States. The government needed supplies for the war and private businesses could not handle the orders by themselves, so the government took over the private businesses to meet due dates.
Also, the war affected the control that the president had over the government. Congress voted to give the president complete control over the economy. With this power he can fix prices and nationalize industries. That is how he came to controlling private industries.
The power of the espionage and sedition acts was another power controlled by the government. Anyone who spoke out against the government and the war was arrested byj the government.

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