Sunday, November 4, 2007

chapter 19 section 4 critical thinking 3

Why didn’t the treaty of Versailles lay the foundation for a lasting peace?

The First World War lasted for four years. At the end, the treaty of Versailles was signed to end the war. Even thought it ended the war, it had many flaws that could not support it.
The treaty, forced the Germans to accept full responsibility for starting the war. It also forced Germany to pay reparations to France of $33 billion. In addition to paying for the cause of the war, the treaty divided up all of Germany’s global colonies and the country of Germany itself into Poland. Many germans were angry with this because they were now germans being ruled by the polish. These terms would not hold for a lasting peace in Europe. The cause of WWI was mainly Germany, but other counties were also the cause, and the reparation was impossible for Germany to pay off without its colonies. Another weakness of the treaty was that Russia was not invited and involved in the treaty signing. The largest weakness of the treaty was that there was no consequence for anyone who broke the treaty.

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