Wednesday, November 14, 2007

chapter 20 section 1 critical thinking 3

Do you think Americans were justified in their fears of radicals and foreigners in the decade following World War 1? Think about:
The goals of the leaders of the Russian revolution
The challenges facing the United States

During the early 1920’s, America went through a period known as the Red Scare. This was a period of time when the American public went through a public scare. When the Bolsheviks overthrew the government in Russia and established a communist government, they claimed to spread communism to the rest of the world. This threat frightened the United States public.
What frightened the United States the most was the threat of communism. After the claim to spread communism, over 70,000 radicals joined the communist party, including some from major unions. Several bombs were mailed to government officials. This frightened the public into believing the communists were everywhere.
Some problems facing the United States during this time were the results that were occurring because of the Red Scare. One problem was the raids against the people. Mitchell palmer was one such person who organized these raids. He was responsible for organizing many of these raids and deporting hundreds of residents from other countries. However these raids turned up no evidence for a communist conspiracy. The scare was basically over responsive to the communist scare.

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