Thursday, November 15, 2007

chapter 21 section 4 critical thinking 5

What did the Harlem Renaissance contribute to both black and general American history?

During the 1920s, millions of black Americans migrated to the north. Out of America’s 12 million black residents, 5.2 million migrated to the northern cities were they could start a new life. Here in the north, organizations such as the NAACP were formed. And priorities were set to change the way of life of the average black American.
One such place were these priorities and ways of life were created was Harlem neighborhood. Harlem was, at that time, the largest urban black community in the world. The life of Harlem changed during a time called the Harlem Renaissance. This was a huge boom in creativity in music, literacy and art. This new style of living improved the living conditions in which these black Americans lived. It also attracted many people looking for entertainment. These helped the black community gain their reputation.

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