Friday, October 5, 2007

chapter 17 section 1: critical thinking 3

Q: In what ways might Illinois, Wisconsin, and Oregon all be considered trailblazers in the progressive reform?

· Legislative and electoral reforms at the state level.
· the leadership of William U’Ren and Robert La Follette
· Florence Kelly’s appointment as chief inspector of factories of Illinois.

During the time of the turn of the century, there were many organizations who wanted to bring around a time of progression. These people did this through gaining support and using it to change how the system worked. Wisconsin, Illinois, and Oregon were the most well known bringing around the era of progressivism.
One way that the progressivism stared was through the states and the electoral reforms. Wisconsin’s governor was best known for targeting big companies. His treatment towards these companies was meant to treat them as they treat all other companies and not them over all.
William U’Ren and Robert La Follette were also known for their progressive ideas. U’Ren was well known for promoting Oregon to adopt the secret ballot. This for of election allowed the people of the state to elect a citizen to a political position. Another thing that went along with this ballot was the power of a recall. Of the people wished, they could also remove someone from power with this ballot.
Florence Kelley was appointed health inspector of Illinois. She inspected factories and how they worked. Kelley is credited for restricting women’s working hours and banning child labor.

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