Tuesday, October 9, 2007

chapter 17 section 5 critical thinking 4

Chapter 17 section 5 critical thinking 4

Why do you think Wilson failed to push for equality for African Americans, despite their progressive reform?
Progressive presidents before Wilson
Wilson’s background
The primary group of people progressive reforms targeted.

During the time of the presidency of Wilson, he pushed for African American equality. However, he had failed. Before Wilson, the presidents that served their terms had different ideas for progressivism. These men were for the rights of black citizens. Wilson however did not have this argument as he main topic for progressivism. He believed that the government should give more power to the citizens of the United States. Also he appointed segregationists to aid him in running the country.
Wilson’s background was also another reason why his push for black equality failed. Wilson grew up in Deep South during the civil war. His ideas of civil rights are affected by where he grew up. His strict upbringing in the south influenced his prejudices against the black citizens.
Wilson also did not target the right people. Since Woodrow Wilson did not support the blacks in their civil rights support, he lost the support from liberal supporters. His progressive ideas were not used in helping the people. Instead, Woodrow Wilson cut powers of big businesses, such as eliminating their chances of creation a monopoly.

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