How was US policies towards China Different toward US policies toward the Philippines? What can you attribute towards the difference?
the US policies were different towards china than they were towards the Philippines. the US owned the Philippines at the time and therefore it was subjected to American laws. this meant that the Philippines were to listen to the US on what they do. also, they were promised independence from the US and never got it. the Filipinos also started a rebellion against the US government that lasted up to three years.
the US policies towards china were different and less severe than the ones toward the Philippines. China was not a US territory, therefore, it was not subjected to its laws and regulations. also, China was obtained by all the major countries in Europe and those countries had set up their spheres of influence, so the United States could not control all of china.
the differences between the policies towards the Philippines and china are based on control. the Philippines were easier to control because they were ruled by the united states and only by them, while china was ruled by different countries.
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