Tuesday, October 23, 2007

chapter 18 section 3 critical thinking 3

How did american rule of puerto rico harm Puerto Ricans? How did it help Puerto Ricans? do you think the benefits outweigh the harmful effects? why or why not?

after the Spanish american war, the spanish territories were given to the united states. one of these territories was the island of Puerto rico. the ruling of puerto rico by the United States bothe helped and harmed the people of the country. some Harms to the island was that it was taken over during the Spanish American war. another harm to the country was that it was used for a military base during hte Spanish American war.

some benefits towards the island of Puerto Rico were the ctizenship of the Puerto Ricans, and the creation of its government. the Citizenship allowed the people of Puerto Rico to be protected by American laws and the power ot the costitution. The creation of the government allows the puerto ricans to choose who they wanted to run their country.

the Benefits of the rule of puerto rico outweigh the harm of puerto rico. the people of Puerto Rico have the benefits of being a US citizen allowing then easy passage to and from the United States. Also, they are protected by the United States without being a state. however they cannot vote and are subjected to the draft.

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