Monday, October 8, 2007

Chapter 17 section 3 critical thinking 5

Why did W. E. B. Du Bois oppose Booker T. Washington’s views on racial discrimination?

In the early 19th century, there were many blacks fighting for their civil rights. However, one named Booker T Washington was not in their favor. He thought that the blacks should accept the discrimination towards them, which the reason that the blacks were in poverty was because it was their own fault. Many civil right supporters were discouraged and angered by B.T. Washington.
One such man was W. E. B. Du Bois, establisher of the NAACP. Du Bois thought that Booker T’s opinion was belittling of the rights of the black citizen. He wanted equality of black and white men, with such rights as voting. He did not want to remain in a segregated and prejudice society. His ideas was a society were there was no segregations against the black people.

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